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General information:


The house mouse is one of the most successful rodent species as they are so great at adapting. They are actually one of the most abundant mammals on the planet! That being said, having a mouse population in your home is something to be concerned with. Having mice in your home can pose some severe health risks as rodents regularly produce 50-100 droppings per day, as well as urinate constantly.      

Identification & Facts  (Mus musculus)



House mice and other mouse species such as the Deer Mouse (commonly referred to as a Field Mouse) are generally small slender rodents. Size ranges may vary, as juveniles are normally 1-2 inches while adults typically reach 3-4 inches. Mice typically weigh in at about an ounce giving them a smaller body mass. Mice are continuous grazers they must consume 1/10 of their body weight per day. A female mouse is capable of producing 5-10 litters over the course of a year, producing 5-6 young with each litter. The gestation period is on average 19 days.




One of the many problems a mouse infestation can present is extensive damage to food and stored goods, insulation damage, and contamination through feces and urine. Mice must gnaw to wear their teeth as they grow continually grow throughout their lives. Due to their gnawing, it is not uncommon for mice to be responsible for severe electrical damage, fire hazards, and damage to appliances. Mice are notorious disease carriers as they can transmit salmonellosis (food poisoning), leptospirosis, and tape worms just to name a few.

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